
Promoting Environmental Conservation and Cooperation (PECC) is a project of the Kesho Trust in cooperation with 6 villages adjacent to Saadani National Park, Tanzania. The project is focused on building relationships between park management and communities through improved mutual understanding and open communication....

This is an educational, informative and touching video on Marine Protected Area (MPA) research in the Philippines. Focusing on Sogod Bay, researcher Alessia Kockel uses participatory mapping to determine the regions that fisherfolks find most important, determining where future MPAs could be located. The video...

The above video is part of a six-episode film series produced by the Council of the Haida Nation (CHN) Marine Planning Program. It features interviews with Haida matriarchs, chiefs, and politicians speaking about the ocean and marine planning on Haida Gwaii. The series focuses on...

Small-scale fisheries produce two-thirds of all catches destined for direct human consumption and provide 90% of the employment in the sector...