12 Jul CCRN and the Commons
The CCRN organised a special session for the Commons (IASC) conference, which took place in Utrecht, Netherlands (July 10-14, 2017), titled “Understanding success at the interface of conservation and sustainable livelihoods – insights from the Community Conservation Research Network.” This session highlighted a need for new tools and indicators to analyze social aspects and processes of sustainable development and their relationship to what we understand as successful outcomes in governance and conservation. It brought together new insights from the CCRN on (a) conceptualizing, monitoring and communicating about ‘success’ in conservation and livelihoods initiatives, and (b) characterizing the features of governance arrangements that support success.
The session was chaired by CCRN PhD candidate Alison Macnaughton and consisted of five presentations:
Prateep Nayak:
Fisher communities in transition: Understanding meanings and motivations for conservation from a livelihood perspective in Chilika Lagoon, India
Sébastien Boillat:
Linking telecoupled conservation initiatives with environmental justice: A meta-analysis of protected areas in the global South
Alison Macnaughton, Fernando Carvajal-Vallejos, Anthony Charles:
The role of fishing as part of sustainable indigenous livelihoods in the Bolivian Amazon
Rahul Chaturvedi, Pratiti Priyadarshini:
Securing tenurial rights to improve forest conditions and livelihoods in the rainfed regions of India
Verina Ingram, Otto Hospes:
A paradigm shift in sustainability governance? The emergence of sustainable landscape initiatives