30 Jun CCRN Director Anthony Charles on Sustainable Coastal Communities

CCRN Director Dr. Tony Charles
In May and June, CCRN Director Dr. Anthony Charles presented three keynote talks to audiences in North America and Europe, all exploring how coastal communities can make a difference for conservation of the world’s oceans. The first presentation made the point that despite major challenges faced in those oceans, we can celebrate many “Success Stories in Saving the Seas”. That message was given at the opening of the International Ocean Institute’s training programme in Halifax, Canada, to participants coming from around the world.
Dr. Charles followed this with a keynote presentation on the need for participation by coastal communities and for a holistic approach, in effectively “Assessing and Managing a Multi-Sectoral Multi-Objective Ocean”. That talk took place at a conference in Brest, France, organized by ICES, PICES and several other organizations. Finally, Dr. Charles highlighted the need to view “Fisheries and Coasts as Systems” in order to properly recognize the strong links between marine ecosystems and the people and communities using ocean resources. That keynote presentation was given to a workshop on Social Simulation of Fisheries and Coastal Management, in Manchester UK, organized by the Centre for Policy Modelling, the Stockholm Environment Institute, and the University of Tromsø.