
Ivett Peña Azcona is a proud Zapotec indigenous woman and a graduate in Biology from the Technological Institute of the Valley of Oaxaca (ITVO). She made specialty studies in “Epistemologies of the South” at the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO). Ivett has a Master of Science in Natural Resource Management and Rural Development from El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR) and is currently a candidate for a Doctor in Ecology and Sustainable Development at the same institution. Since 2008, her research has focused on the study of Voluntary Designated Areas for Conservation (ADVC) in Mexico, which is a strategy compatible with the principles of international conservation schemes, such as the Conservation Areas of Indigenous Communities (ICCA). In 2012, she obtained first place in the knowledge category of the National Competition for University Works in Natural Protected Areas, granted by the National Commission for Natural Protected Areas and the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, the main government conservation institutions in Mexico. Ivett is also a member of the Alliance of Women in Agroecology, the network of protected natural areas in Mexico, and the CCRN.
The main research site is the state of Oaxaca in Mexico. Ivett has interests in continuing to expand her work in the Mexican Southeast and contribute to research on community conservation in Latin America.
Ivett is dedicated to working on two lines of research: agroecology and community conservation. In particular, her areas of interest are: Voluntary Designated Areas for Conservation, community conservation strategies, traditional knowledge, policies of conservation, common goods, agroecology, financing of conservation and indigenous peoples.
Key Publications
- Ivett Peña Azcona, Rosa María Gómez Ugalde and Miguel Ángel Briones Salas. 2015. Nuevos registros de Tapir Centroamericano Tapirus Bairdii en el distrito de Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, México. Acta Zoológica Mexicana 31(1):120-122.
- Adriana Quiroga Gamboa, Ivett Peña Azcona and Luis Mondragón Muñoz. 2016. Capítulo VII Crisis productiva y de mercados. En: Guerrero Jiménez et al, Recomendaciones de políticas públicas para las áreas naturales protegidas de Chiapas. México. 112 p.
- Ivett Peña Azcona, Adriana Quiroga Gamboa and Luis Mondragón Muñoz. 2016. Capítulo XII. La operación en las ANP: mecanismos de participación. En. Guerrero Jiménez et al, Recomendaciones de políticas públicas para las áreas naturales protegidas de Chiapas. México. 112p.
- Ivett Peña Azcona and Erin Ingrid Jane Estrada Lugo. 2019. Política de conservación, implicaciones en el medio rural. Análisis de cuatro Áreas Destinadas Voluntariamente a la Conservación (ADVC) en el Istmo Oaxaqueño. En: desarrollo, disputas socio-territoriales y violencia en México. Dinámicas productivas, alimentación y políticas públicas en el medio rural (coord. Rosalio Valseca Rojas y Ramírez Valverde B).Asociación Mexicana de Estudios Rurales AMER.
- La agroecología como movimiento social. 2018. Ivett Peña Azcona. https://sites.google.com/site/agroecologiadesdesur/conceptos/movimientos-sociales
- Trevilla Espinal D.L and I. Peña- Azcona. 2019. Apuntes (eco)feministas desde Abya Yala para la soberanía alimentaria. Boletín geocrítica Latinoamericana. CLACSO. Buenos Aires Argentina: 77-84
- Peña Azcona I, Estrada Lugo EI, Arce Ibarra AM, Bello Baltazar E. 2020. Meanings of Conservation in Zapotec Communities of Oaxaca, Mexico. Conservation & Society [Epub ahead of print] [cited 2020 Jun 3]. Available from: http://www.conservationandsociety.org/preprintarticle.asp?id=283013
- Trevilla-Espinal D.L and Peña-Azcona Ivett. 2020. Neoliberalismo y mujeres campesinas: la defensa de los comunes en el sur de México. O Público e o Privado · 35 (jan/abr ): 43-65
- Trevilla- Espinal D.L and Peña- Azcona Ivett. 2020. Territorializando la soberanía alimentaria. Prácticas feministas en el sur de México. Leisa Revista de Agroecología. 36 (1): 28-30