Meriem Bouamrane is an environmental economist, programme specialist in the Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences, Man and the Biosphere programme since 2001. She is the coordinator of the EuroMAB Network, the oldest and largest network of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves (52 countries and 302 biosphere reserves including Canada and the USA).
She is responsible for research and training programmes on access and use of biodiversity, participatory approaches and concertation, using biosphere reserves as research and demonstration sites. She has organized and conducted several workshops using different participatory techniques and tools in biosphere reserves and is involved in several research programmes on resilience of socio-ecological systems and participatory methodology. She is member of the PECS (Programme on Ecosystem change and Society) Scientific Committee, sponsored by UNESCO and ICSU.
- Bouamrane, M. (ed). 2006. Biodiversity and stakeholders: concertation itineraries. Biosphere reserves technical note 1. 2006. UNESCO.
- Bouamrane, M. (ed) 2007. Dialogue in biosphere reserves. References, practices and experiences. Technical Notes 2. 2007. UNESCO Paris.
- Levrel, H., Bouamrane M. 2008. Instrumental learning and sustainability indicators: outputs from co-construction experiments in West African biosphere reserves, Ecology and Society 13(1): 28.
- Levrel, H., Bouamrane, M., KANE, L. 2008. La co-construction de systèmes d’information sur les interactions entre développement humain et conservation de la biodiversité: l’exemple d’un programme MAB mené dans la réserve de biosphère du Niokolo Koba. In Amartya Sen : un économiste du développement ? AFD.
- Bouamrane, M., Ishwaran, N. 2007. Conserver les intérêts. Biodiversité: conserver pour qui? Courrier de la Planète.
- Bouamrane, M., Antona, M. Barbault R, Cormier Salem, MC. 2013. Rendre possible : Jacques Weber itinéraire d’un économiste passe frontières. Quae Editions.
- Bouamrane, M., M. Spierenburg, A. Agrawal, A. Boureima, M.-C. Cormier-Salem, M.Etienne, C. Le Page, H. Levrel and R. Mathevet. 2016. Stakeholder engagement and biodiversity conservation challenges in social-ecological systems: some insights from biosphere reserves in western Africa and France. Ecology and Society 21 (4):25.