Bunji is comprised of 650 households with an average of 10 members in each household. Bunji community is considered to be a pioneer in wildlife conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. The community has the highest literacy rate in the province. When the community started its conservation activities there were few animals. Later, with dedication and commitment and sacrifice, the community was able to increase the number of animals and offered trophies to international hunters worth thousands of dollars. Bunji has a catchment area of about 350 sq km, situated on the edge of western Himalayas at the junction of world largest/ highest mountain ranges ( Himalaya, Hindukush and Karakuram). The community has its future plans regarding sustainable use of natural resources. The community is worried about Bunji Hydro Power Project, the biggest hydro power project in the history of Pakistan, that will generate 7100 MW of energy by diverting the Indus, the largest river of Pakistan. The whole project is in the community controlled Hunting area (a locally designated protected area). The project site is home to world most critically endangered and globally significant species of mammals in particular.
Top environmental challenge faced by the community (currently or in the past 10 years):
Bunji Hydro Power project, the largest hydro power project in the history of Pakistan, will generate 7 thousand one hundred MW of electricity through diversion of the Indus river, the largest river of Pakistan. Annual revenue from the project is about 200 billion Pak rupees. On the other hand, the same activity will expose a 50 Km long naturally fenced core habitat, of world critically endangered and globally significant species of biodiversity, to poachers and illegal hunters, along with irreparable loss to fish communities, water fowls and hydrophytes. EIA of the project has been conducted giving no importance to fragile mountain ecosystem and its biodiversity.
How the environmental challenge has affected local livelihoods:
The EIA report mentioned that there is minor negative impacts of this mega project on the environment. However, there is no mention of any important habitats, of any significant species, and of the biodiversity and there is no protected area even near the project site. The impact to centuries old, very important, biodiversity hot spots will leave irreparable losses to livelihood of the mountain community. This same activity will badly effect the fish and associated communities along the River Indus within 50 km because of diversion of the river into the tunnel.
Community response to the challenge, through environmental stewardship (conservation) initiatives that improve environmental well-being and support sustainable livelihoods:
The community is engaged in participatory conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. The community is more than happy for being pioneers in participatory conservation and sustainable resource use. The community is keen to start many innovative initiatives like they are in the process of developing the first-ever environmentally friendly town planning in one of their new settlement spread over 12 thousand kanals land. The same plan will be the first organic town or village in the history of the country. The community has also banned illegal hunting and has submitted their reservations against the hydro power project.
The extent to which the response was successful or otherwise:
There were challenges of control on illegal hunting and poaching from inter and intra community offenders. But now with appropriate and wise approaches, the poachers and illegal hunters of the community became guards of the communities precious resources of wild flora and fauna.
Extent to which governmental policy (at local, regional or national levels, as relevant) has supported, or been contrary to, the community's responses to the environmental challenge:
Environmental laws and policies of the government of Pakistan are clear. But the water and Power authority (WAPDA) the project executing agency is not taking the laws and policies into consideration as authority. WAPDA by passing the local EPA of the province and by force get the NOC of the projects.
Keywords: Ecosystem
Agricultural, Forest, Montane/Mountain
Keywords: Resources
Forest, Minerals, Soil, Wildlife
Keywords: Big Issues
Biodiversity, Environmental law, Human-wellbeing, Resource use
Keywords: Solutions
Ecological Restoration, Empowerment, Governance/Management, Policy and planning, Protected areas, User-rights
Contributed by: Manzoor Ahmed Qureshi
The information provided and opinions expressed above are the responsibility of the contributor and do not necessarily reflect the views and analysis of the Community Conservation Research Network (CCRN), nor those of all members of the community described.
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