In addition to our SES guidebook “Analysis of Social-Ecological Systems for Community Conservation.” More information regarding social-ecological systems can be found in the material provided below.
Armitage D., Béné C., Charles A., Johnson D., and Allison E.H. 2012. The interplay of well-being and resilience in applying a social-ecological perspective. Ecology and Society, 17(4):15.
Ban N.C., Mills M., Tam J., Hicks C.C., Klain S., Stoeckl N., Bottrill M.C., Levine J., Pressey R.L., Satterfield T., and Chan K.M.A. 2013. A social-ecological approach to conservation planning: embedding social considerations. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 11: 194-202.
Berkes F. 2012. Implementing ecosystem-based management: evolution or revolution? Fish and Fisheries, 13: 465-476.
Charles A. 2014. Human dimensions in marine ecosystem-based management. Chapter 3 in: The Sea, Vol.16. Fogarty MJ, McCarthy JJ, eds.) Harvard University Press, Cambridge, U.S.
Charles A. 2012. People, oceans and scale: Governance, livelihoods and climate change adaptation in marine social–ecological systems. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 4:351–357.
Charles A. 2004. Sustainability and resilience in natural resource systems: Policy directions and management institutions. Encyclopaedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS). Developed under the auspices of the UNESCO. Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK.
Charles A. 1995. Fishery science: The study of fishery systems. Aquatic Living Resources, 8:233-239.
Christensen L., and Krogman N. 2012. Social thresholds and their translation into social-ecological management practices. Ecology and Society, 17(1): 5.
Garcia S.M., and Charles A. 2008. Fishery systems and linkages: Implications for science and governance. Ocean and Coastal Management, 51: 505-527.
Gough I., McGregor J.A., and Camfield L. 2007. Theorising wellbeing in international development. Pages 3–44. Gough I, McGregor JA, editors. Wellbeing in developing countries: from theory to research. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Makino M., and Sakurai Y. 2012. Adaptation to climate change effects on fisheries in the Shiretoko World Natural Heritage area, Japan. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 69: 1134-1140.
Makino M. 2011. Fisheries management in Japan: Its institutional features and case studies. Springer, London.
Makino M., and Matsuda H. 2011. Ecosystem-based management in the Asia-Pacific region. World Fisheries: A Social-Ecological Analysis. (Ommer RE, Perry RI, Cochrane K, Cury P, eds.). Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, 322-333.
Makino M., Matsuda H., and Sakurai Y. 2008. Expanding fisheries co-management to ecosystem-based management: a case in the Shiretoko World Natural Heritage area, Japan. Marine Policy, 33: 207-221.
Olson, M. 1965. The Logic of Collective Action. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.
Olsson P., Folke C., and Hahn T. 2004. Social-ecological transformation for ecosystem management: the development of adaptive co-management of a wetland landscape in southern Sweden. Ecology and Society, 9(4): 2.
Peterson G.D., Cumming G.S., and Carpenter S.R. 2003. Scenario planning: a tool for conservation in an uncertain world. Conservation Biology, 17(2): 358-366.
Schoemaker P.J. 1995. Scenario planning: a tool for strategic thinking. Sloan management review, 36: 25-25.
Tarnoczi T. 2011. Transformative learning and adaptation to climate change in the Canadian Prairie agro-ecosystem. Mitigation & Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 16:387–406.
Canadian Centre for Community Renewal
Coastal and Ocean Information Network
FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department
Global Partnership for Small-scale Fisheries Research
International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) and Samudra
Locally-Managed Marine Areas (LMMA)
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment – Synthesis reports
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment -Global assessments
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment -Scenarios assessment
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment -Bridging scales
South Pacific Community, Traditional Marine resource Management and Knowledge Information
The University of Queensland and University of Southern Queensland
Wellbeing in Developing Countries Research