12 Dec Sea and Indigenous people
Directorate of Coastal and Small Island Utilization, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia in cooperation with Faculty of Human Ecology from Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) and CCRN researchers (Dr. Arif Satria and Ahmad Mony) in Indonesia have launched a book titled “Laut dan Masyarakat Adat” or “Sea and Indigenous Peoples”. This book is the result of research on five indigenous communities inhabiting five small islands, Kawio Island, Kawaluso Island, Talaud Island, Liki Island, and Selaru Island. These five islands have direct border with neighboring countries such as Malaysia, Philippines, Palau, and Australia. The launching of this book brings Dr. Arif Satria as the main speaker and Prof. Dr. Dietrich G. Bengen from Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty – IPB as the discussant.
The book explores several topics, such as: defining Indigenous / local communities, economic and institutional profiles, problems and challenges facing Indigenous peoples, agrarian (land-based) bias, empowerment gaps, and roadmaps towards indigenous / local community empowerment. It is hoped that the publication of this book can provide an overview of the condition and existence of Indigenous and tribal peoples in Indonesia, especially in small islands, in order to maintain its sustainability. Currently the book is in Indonesian, however, those interested in the book can visit: https://kompas.id/gerai/belanja/buku/laut-dan-masyarakat-adat/

Book Review Event of “Sea and Indigenous People”
The launching of this book was attended by a number of stakeholders such as the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Village, Ministry of Bappenas, and a number of international and local NGOs. Dr. Arif Satria explained that the writing of this book became the foundation for the dissemination of the discourse of coastal and marine resource management based on indigenous peoples found in this research. National policies that have made room for the implementation of community resource management practices should be welcomed with innovative research to formulate effective and sustainable policy and action plans.
This book has been adopted as a basis in formulating policies and action plans for the empowerment of indigenous peoples who inhabit small islands by the Directorate of Coastal and Small Island Utilization, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia. The parties commit to continue similar research for other indigenous communities, and will use the SES approach (social ecological system) as the main approach of research. It is expected that appropriate coastal and marine resource management models will surface and will be implemented in indigenous communities in Indonesia.
Information in this post, and all images, were provided by CCRN Researcher Ahmad Mony.