31 Jan Storybook Project
Uu-a-thluk coordinated a storybook project with the Ehattesaht First Nation. A one-day storytelling workshop was held with Ehattesaht youth with the support of elders and knowledge holders. During the second half of the workshop participants developed stories that were later translated into Nuu-chah-nulth, illustrated, and created into storybooks. The purpose of the workshop was to build understanding amongst Nuu-chah-nulth youth about Nuu-chah-nulth stewardship principles of taking care of the environment and to produce a resource for elementary school aged children.
While in Zeballos Elementary Secondary School for the storytelling workshop, the youth were able to easily let their imaginations run with possibilities for what stories to create. It was clear that they had heard many legends and stories related to their community, their Nation and conservation. Storytelling was something these kids were familiar with. With no hesitation, the children jumped into the storytelling workshop full of ideas around taking care of our ocean resources. It was inspiring to see the youth support each other in their ideas and story development. Reflecting on this workshop, it is evident that stewardship and conservation are concepts that are very much alive with the Ehattesaht youth.
Uu-a-thluk (Taking Care Of) is an aquatic resource management organization administered through the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council (NTC).
The featured Image is from page 6 of Hiisuu Maatmaas, illustrated by Kelly Poirier