Coastal Communities At The Ready
This film looks at how coastal communities across Canada and around the world are preparing for, and responding to, a range of climate change impacts and other hazards hitting the coast....
This film looks at how coastal communities across Canada and around the world are preparing for, and responding to, a range of climate change impacts and other hazards hitting the coast....
Nakatuenita: Respect is a documentary film about the Innu First Nation of Labrador taking back control of its land, government, schools, social services and resources....
Produced by Cintia Nascimento, this video focuses on coastal conservation in Timor Leste....
The story of the coastal communities of the Tsitsikamma and their relationship with the National Park and Marine Protected Area....
For the past several years, West Coast Aquatic has been working on a tool to support decision-making that is ecosystem-based and inclusive of multiple knowledge systems (indigenous, local and scientific). The tool is called the Marine Ecosystem Reference Guide (MERG)....
This book became the foundation for the dissemination of the discourse of coastal and marine resource management based on Indigenous peoples found throughout Indonesia....
Access to marine resources and the ocean is important for the well-being of coastal populations. In Canada, the ability of many coastal and Indigenous communities to access and benefit from the ocean is a growing issue....
Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are increasingly recognised across the world as an important strategy for protecting marine resources, conserving biodiversity, rebuilding threatened fish stocks and restoring degraded habitats. The value of MPAs has been discussed at various global gatherings such as the World Summit on...
CCRN Affiliate Natalie Ban's new study on marine protected areas worldwide says urgent action is needed in Canada to make sure Indigenous rights are included in the creation and management of ocean conservation measures....
A lack of communication between the regulating authority and the fishers has increased conflict in the Tsitsikamma area and endangered community member’s food security and livelihoods. ...
In this webinar, Dawn Foxcroft and Michelle Colyn discuss the power of intergenerational knowledge transmission between youth and elders and its connection to stewardship in Indigenous communities. As members of the Nuu-chah-nulth First Nation, along Canada’s West Coast, and working for Uu-a-thluk, Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council...
Join researcher and environmental activist Sadie Beaton as she describes her journey to better understand the meaning and motivations for environmental justice in Mi'kma'ki, the indigenous Mi'kmaq lands on Canada's Atlantic coast. This multimedia presentation will focus on a current environmental justice issue - resistance...
CCRN Director, Dr. Anthony Charles, was one of four university professors from across Canada invited to provide advice concerning Canada’s ocean priorities, and international leadership on oceans...
Mayalibit Bay is a giant lagoon situated in the eastern part of Waigeo Island, West Papua Province, Indonesia. This area is inhabited by the indigenous people of the Maya tribe who have set a local institution, known as sasi laut, to improve their community-based natural...
The session focused on understanding how success in community conservation is influenced by rapid change and transformation. ...
For the past twelve years, Uu-a-thluk has partnered with the University of Victoria’s Science Venture and Nuu-chah-nulth communities to offer fun and engaging ways to connect Nuu-chah-nulth children and youth to science-based marine activities and Nuu-chah-nulth knowledge. ...
The small-scale fishers tucked out of sight along Pondicherry’s avenue are among the worst off in India’s marine sector. ...
the Tipping Points Team partnered with CCRN affiliate the Haida Nation and Parks Canada to develop a better understanding of the drivers, dynamics and trade-offs associated with past and potential ecosystem shifts in the Gwaii Haanas National Park, Gwaii Haanas National Marine Conservation Area Reserve and Haida Heritage Site....
CCRN PhD Student Cintia Gillam chose two communities in Timor-Leste, Vila Maumeta and Tutuala, as case studies for her dissertation. Cintia has recently returned from Timor-Lest where she was collecting field data....
Sasi laut is a local knowledge and culture-based practice of coastal resource conservation. Through cooperation of multiple stakeholders, the sasi laut system has strengthened, helping locals to consider global issues related to conservation practices....
The film tells the story of how this ecologically and culturally important seamount came to be protected by the CHN and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans...
Cheryl Chan's thesis examined how a marine protected area influenced the ecosystem services and social wellbeing of a small scale fishing community in Jamaica...
During the 2016 IUCN World Conservation Congress, marine conservation practitioners and researchers (including CCRN affiliate Nathan Bennet) met to discuss the need for a code of conduct for marine conservation...
Koh Sralao is a small 300 household mangrove-estuarine fishing village on the southwestern coast of Cambodia. Fishers have spoken about fish declines for decades and continue to be concerned about fish stocks...
Les Village's marine environment was devastated by a traditional local use of cyanide for catching marine ornamental fish; however, local conservation began when eco-friendly, community-based approaches were introduced to restore local marine resources...